The Creative Polymath

…musings from a renaissance soul


As I take time to reflect on things these days, I begin to see how out of balance humans are with nature. No, I don’t mean environmentally (although that is a part of it). I mean that in the esoteric sense.

I look all around me and see the stress and unhappiness people have. It’s just about everywhere. From the family with thousands of dollars of debt to the coworker that can’t imagine a 40 hour work week is possible.

I don’t have that. Sure, things are a bit down externally, but internally I’m happy with myself, my family, and most importantly, my future. Maybe I’m in the minority here, but really, there’s no secret here to feeling positive in a very negative time. I think I can sum it up in one word, simplicity. I try to manage my life needing only the simplest of things. I don’t need a fancy car. I don’t need a big house. And, I don’t need all the material stuff to make me feel good. I have what I need, a meaningful life, so why do I need more?

This is where I think us humans have fallen out of step with nature. We’ve been sold a story that is not real or sustainable. And many of us unconsciously chase it like there’s no tomorrow. I got a news flash for you, there is no finish line. It’s ALL about the journey.

Maybe it’s my calling to inspire people to break free of these chains. Who knows. What I do know is that I could lose all my “stuff” and still be happy knowing there IS something to live for.

What do you think?

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This entry was posted on March 28, 2009 by and tagged , .